A fun week at X Games.

Last week  I hung out in Tignes for the European X Games. Here are a few pics from the week, enjoy.

Margot, Lesley, Me, Torah, Lisa, Kjersti

Team dinner for Ville's 20th. Gary cooked a mega Lasagne!

We had a couple of signing's throughout the week, this one at the Roxy store in Tignes

Lisa and Cheryl. Getting extreme. It is the X GAMES

Friday slope finals went off, it was perfect weather, bummed I didn't get to ride I was 1st alternate so the 11th girl! got to ride the course in the morning, super mellow and fun!  worked on some underflips! Massive shout out to Silje Nordendal she got 2nd yeah girl!! and Cheryl Maas slayed the comp with a back 9.


I have been at home for a day, and tomorrow I go to LA, lil surf mission with the Jones and Lesley Mckenna.

Also went to see Chalet girl, I have some pictures from the premier last month so will get those up to show you soon!
