Extreme games. X GAMES, Tignes!

So last week I road tripped over from Mayrhofen through the night to Tignes, France. A mellow 10 hour drive, no biggie! We had a pretty sweet set up in the Van bean bags in the back so myself and Jamie Nicholls pretty much slept the whole way, gutted that we aren't old enough to drive the team van ha ;)! right so i'll stop with the waffle straight to the business.....

Roxy made this pretty sick banner, on the home page of the site!

and this little edit! Thanks for the support =)

My family was out all week, was great to have them over......My bro was pretty happy to meet this guy... the flying tomato!

The girls! Spencer O'Brien, Cheryl Maas, Me, Jamie Anderson

Signing went down in the Quiksilver tent, this dude was hanging out!

photo's Kjersti Buaas.

I competed in Slopestyle on Friday, I was really happy I got to ride after dealing with injuries all week, shin splints, bruised heels and bruised ribs! a big thanks to Rob Maden and Jan the Nike physio for working the magic, I missed out on a couple of the practices and also bruised both my heels! I dropped into my 3 final runs not being able to walk... literally, amped up on adrenaline and pain-killers I managed to ride, I didn't get down a clean run, but I had a blast and put down my back 7,  so happy enough! I didn't ride to my full potential but that just gives me more motivation, to get back at it, and ride harder next year! Bring it!

The X games Jumboooo tron! I am from Keston... correct. IRL not.

Cab underflip nose during finals. Photo Sam Mellish